Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Psychics and Missing Persons

Opinions, opinions, opnions...if you know me than you know my blog is full of my opinions. I actually have a lot to say about Psychics and Missing Person cases, and a LOT of pet peeves as to how other psychics handle this. Let me see where to begin...
I am often asked as a psychic, "Do you ever contact law enforcement?" The answer to that is NO. Now let me explain why. First of all, it is my personal beliefthat if I am meant to be involved in something they will find me. Does law enforcement actually use psychics? The answer to that is YES, more often than you may realize. My pet peeves in all of this? MANY, psychics that do reach out to law enforcement, can and have been charged with obstruction of justice and I support that FULLY!
I think I can best describe Missing Person Cases as emotionally challengingfor all involved, including the psychic. First and foremost, it is not my job as a psychic to inform the family of a missing person that their loved one has crossed over or is still living, that is the job of law enforcement. Next, when a family of a missing person reaches out to you it is out of "total desperation", meaning they have no other stone to turn. Nine times out of ten, they have never even spoken to a psychic before. In addition, to every one of these cases that I have been involved with, the family has a "theory" of who done it and how it happened. Therefore it may be difficult to explain to them "exactly what you see".
Now on to my pet peeves...
To the psychics that jump into the middle of an open investigation, yes, you should be charged with obstruction of justice. To the psychics that "advertise" they specialize in missing person cases...they completely disgust me. To the psychics that post on their websites and all over the internet your "Insights" of a missing person's are messing with an open investigation and starting rumors. To the psychics, that in your post, you descriptively describe where to find a have obviously NEVER worked with a task force or the family of a missing person. If you had you would one, realize it is an open investigation, and two realize how hurtful your words are to the people that loved them. To the psychics that advertise that they will only charge for their "travel expenses" to this I would have to say...REALLY? Because as a psychic you shouldn't HAVE to travel anywhere! To the psychics that advertise how law enforcement can contact you, this is one of the many reasons as to why they WILL NOT. And finally, to ANY psychic out there trying to collect money on someone's desperation and need for insights, I have one word for you...KARMA.
The reality of all of this is that IF they are not seeking "monetary compensation" then they are seeking the recognition. If this is the way you want to earn your "fame" than I have real issues with it.
If you are reading this and fall into the category of one of these psychics then you deserve to loose what business you have for lack of compassion! Try as I may, as a psychic, I cannot find any defense for these actions.
Bottom line, missing person cases are REAL. I am completely horrified in hearing what these families as well as law enforcement have been through with psychics.

Psychic Readings By Jackie

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