Monday, June 8, 2009

Tarot Tip of the Day....The Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents a fresh new start or a new beginning. The timeframe of this card is Summer, June, July and August. High emotions and desire. A real inner excitement. The time to start something new. Ideas that you have had in thought, it is now time to apply action to!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tarot Tip of the Day....The 4 of Swords

The four of swords implements a time for rest. No further progress will happen at this time. Time for a break. Things will resume, but not until you have rested. Time to still your restless thoughts. Nothing negative about this card. A personal message for you to slow down.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tarot Tip of the Day....The 4 of Pentacles

The four of pentacles represents a couple of different things in a reading. If you look at the card you will notice he has his money close to him. Under his feet, in his arms and in his hat. This would indicate that you may be scared of frivolous spending. Also in a reading it can indicate a very greedy person!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Psychic Readings and the Paranormal

If you are seeking a psychic reading you will find me at I offer readings by phone, chat and email. RATES WILL REMAIN THE SAME FOR JUNE!

Want to discuss ghosts and the paranormal? Join me on my other blog "Virginia is for Ghost Lovers", or our open forum at

I will NOT be doing the radio show for Craig tonight as he is still in town. Take the time to listen to his show as he has a great guest lined up.

More to come on this blog regarding psychic scams. Have you been scammed? If so, I would like for you to share your story!

Tarot Tip of the Day....The 2 of Swords

The two of swords. It is time to sit down and "think". This card means you have a decision to make. You need some quiet time to think things through. It also represents that you may feel overwhelmed regarding this decision, but you have put it off for too long.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tarot Tip of the Day....The Wheel of Fortune

Which way will the wheel turn? Good or bad? This is what this card represents. Also can show your conscious of weighing between good and evil. You will need to check your surrounding cards. This card represents in a nutshell, that the decision is up to you.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tarot Tip of the Day....The Knight of Pentacles

The knight of pentacles represents a messenger card. In this case the message is regarding money and finances. In "most" cases this is a positive card. However, in matters of money, you will need to take a look at the cards surrounding it. It does not represent great wealth, but it does show financial security.