Happy New Year Everyone!
This blog has been a long time coming! First, I want to address some issues with the website for my long time clients. "PayPal buttons are gone!" Yes, indeed they are. You can PayPal me directly at Jackie@ms-swami.com, and I will look at bringing those buttons back. Meanwhile visit the "How to Pay" page on my website. Next, my calendar is no longer available. Yes, you are correct. I had many that struggled with the calendar so for now I removed it. Feel free to text my phone number ANYTIME to see if and when I am available.
Okay, onto the year of 2025. (You may skip to the bottom in bold letters if you would like.) I would like to do this with keeping politics out of it, but in reality that is going to be impossible. This does effect your 2025, your future, and what your psychic readings are going to look like. So, I feel that you are in for a lengthy blog post, so grab your coffee or tea and get comfortable. I will keep this as simple as I can... Like my readings, and without "sugar coating" anything, we are going to dive into this. We are going to discuss what 95% of psychics won't talk about.
For those that feel that Donald J. Trump is the 47th President of the Unites States of America, you are incorrect. The corporation of the United States of America dissolved in 2018. Therefore he "would have been" the 19th President of the United States. (A story for another day.) My tickets to inauguration read as the 47th President (as the presidential campaign stated) of the United States (Not the United States of America) in the City of Washington. (Not the District of Columbia). He is currently our acting President until March 4, 2025 when he will turn us over to our new President. Known at the President of the New Republic of Golden America. This is the day you will find that he is The King of Britain, and no, J.D. Vance is not your Vice President. Have you heard that you have watched a Hollywood movie play out? Because you have.

Let me start by saying that nothing has been hidden from you or done behind your back. It has all been right in front of you to see. Let's start with some of the basic people Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack and Michelle Obama, Nancy Perlosi, Faucci, the list goes on and on and on. These people have been played by AI, actresses and actors for years. (Painfully obvious, from height differences to loose masks). Why? Keep reading....
I published a blog in 2015 that ended with "Like him or love him, Donald Trump is your next President" and man did this piss off some people! Anyway, the last act of President was him reinstating the firing squad to our Military. Trump turned us over to the US Military in January of 2017, by signing the insurrection act that froze his Presidency while the Military was in control. What does this mean? There was NEVER a Biden Presidency and you have played part in a movie as the swamp was drained WORLDWIDE, for a distraction. Those listed above, with several hundred well known people, to include The Pope, have been executed in Guantanamo Bay, known as Gitmo over the last 7 years. By the way, the Marine Corp built the large prison that is there now. Currently a new hotel and new courthouse are under construction. Why were they executed? Human Trafficking, Crimes Against Humanity and Treason. (Fun fact the Village People's song the YMCA used on Trump's campaign, Gitmo was originally a YMCA and it is song that is played when you are bought in.)
It turns out that the draining of the swamp proved that our Government was being run by the Deep State, Cabal and Illuminati. Is this the talk of a conspiracy theorist? No, this is facts, in your face, that you need to research. And the light that this psychic has needed on many things for YEARS.
How did Trump become King? First let me start by saying there is an Executive Order that the 900 that faked their death over the years, may now come forward with no charges. (A lot of these have also been in your face and you didn't know it.) One of them is Princess Diana. Princess Diana is married to Donald Trump, to which you watched their wedding in Florida in 2005. Yes Melania is Diana and Barron looks just like her. All of the royals have been long time executed. Buckingham Palace has been empty for YEARS (Renovations you are told, with no construction workers.) All the buzz at Buckingham Palace when Trump took over as King, you were busy wondering where and what was going on with Kate Middleton. We are creatures of habit.....trained to believe whatever the media tells us to believe and to do what the government says do.
So let's jump ahead to the Victory Rally the 19th the day before inauguration where you were told that he would make positive changes in America as well as the "World". Yes, Nato and your world leaders know who he is. (Trump and Puttin are indeed friends, planes parked together in Norfolk VA but you missed that too.) At the end of the ceremony, Trump said, "The curtain drops tomorrow." which for those of us that know, knew he meant the end of the movie! What we have all been waiting for!
Onto inauguration, did you miss that the British Military walked before our Military? And my goodness, did you miss the "Circus Music" played at inauguration and the balls? (The future of DC will be the American Fair, so it was fitting, more on that later.) Did you notice Vance swore in on a bible but Trump did not. (Again a movie, and he is King.) There were 3 balls, the first ball the Commander in Chief Ball where he stood on stage and announced "Central Casting" and who he would like to play him in a Hollywood movie. (Central Casting.....mentioned numerous times in his rally's.) The second ball with his family as we role credits. Why was the third ball private? Space X, and others were at ball number one, Governors, supporters at the second ball. No cameras and no public at the third ball? The Hollywood rap party! The movie has ended so you won't see the actors of those I listed or anyone else again. Feel free to text me who you think played JD Vance!
Trump has allowed 15 days of the assassination files of JFK, RFK, and Martin Luther King. This is when you will learn they were NEVER assisinated. (JFK actually died in 2020.) Why is this being done quickly? And Trump is telling you everything is going to go "Quickly". Because he will hand you off to our new President of the New Republic being JFK JR. Yes, you read that correctly. Did you notice the first arrest was the Admiral of the Coast Guard? I will let that one sink in. He actually took over as your Vice President when Pence was executed.
Now, lets' get onto the now and the present. Things that will transpire and are transpiring now will set your tone of 2025. First we are now under Constitutional Law and although states can set their own rules, they will have to adjust their so called laws to abide by the Constitution. What is the deadline? I don't know as the Constitution is being re-written and removed from the White House website for now. So all of the bs of your states statutes and regulations will soon be no more. And yes this DOES mean we are bringing back the hangings, firing squads etc. Or as Trump put it, "No more nonsense of drug out trials and judges will be retrained."
There are over 300 Executive Orders in place now. And for those screaming that Congress can throw them out and over turn them, you are INCORRECT. If they are in line with the US Constitution they CANNOT overturn them and I assure you they are in line. But if you want to see what is in Congress you can look these up for starters....
S.4663 - Abolishing the Federal Reserve, HR 25- Abolishing the Internal Revenue Service S.126- Abolishing the CIA HR938 Abolishing the Department of Education (Look them up)
Before I move forward, let's mention Elon Musk, Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE, Like Doge coin.) Friend or foe? Real or not? Or as I refer to himas the HEAD ALIEN IN CHARGE. Yes, there are aliens, the executive orders will show you they ARE HERE and have been. They are not from outer space, they are from under the sea, a fact I have screamed all of my life. Is the earth flat? Yes it is. Do we live under a dome? Yes we do, as stated in Genesis of the Bible as a Firmament meaning DOME. (Encyclopedia's dated in the mid 50's and earlier gives you the longitude and latitude to the dome, from Antarctica.) What about NASA? Total bs, we have NEVER been to the moon, as stated by Elon who will take us to Mars. Matter of fact you will learn Neil A Armstrong (Spelt backward is "Alien"), was actually an inmate at Alcatraz.
Everything you have been taught is a lie and one executive order after the other will reveal this to you. (In addition to movies.) Did you notice the victory rally was on National Popcorn Day? So real quick let's touch base on those that are yelling Trump is the antichrist. First, know that I am of the Christianity faith. Those that are hollering antichrist have no working knowledge of the Constitution. Now a tidbit on the Bible. Why do you think it was predictive text? Everything happened and Jesus came back in like 700 AD. Why do you think it was predictive? Because that is what you were taught. You are coming up on the end of times (NOT NOW) but this is God coming back not Jesus. By the way they moved 5 miles of gold in the tunnel under the Vatican, and the hidden books? There are over 500 hidden books and over 200 of them are out now. This includes the plants and crystals for healing etc. Why was this kept from us?
So let's now get into what all this means for YOU. Let's start with TikTok, simply put, "Get over it". Wow what a display of were people's concerns really are. Elon Musk will be giving you free Starlink for internet and free Starlink phones. There will be a wifi blackout and you will loose all social media that you know now. There will be internet, that will be limited as in porn, etc will be gone.
Have you noticed the coil looking things on top of the telephone polls? That is when the government will take over your power bill, that was supposed to be free to you anyway. Yes, it is unconstitional that you are billed for utilities not to mention their fees and taxes. What else? Your state is to provide your health insurance free of charge that is also in the constitution. The right to travel, no drivers license, registration etc, is in the constitution but does not apply to commercial drivers. So a lot of unnecessary money you have paid all your life and it goes on and on. Income taxes were supposed to be temporary. Tariffs will now pay the taxes and we will have a standard tax on new goods only. Food, prescriptions and gas will remain tax free. We will go to gold backed digital currency (Not Brics). This will also cripple your drug dealers and human trafficker's. You will be debt free. All loans will be "illegal" as in they include interest, insurance and property taxes all deemed as against the constitution. (This is currently in DC now and will happen sooner then later.) This includes your mortgage, car payments, student loans, bank loans and credit cards. Moving forward borrowing for homes and cars will be simple as there will no longer be a credit score on anyone. And as per the constitution ALL BUSINESSES are entitled to a loan of $250,000.00 (Did you know that banks are even paid on your denied applications? More on this later.)
So we will be debt free. First in line is taking care of the homeless and our seniors and vets, something this country SHOULD have been doing. Then we all move to a level playing field in regards to income. Although debt free is a good start, enough money has been recovered to pay the World debt over10 times, and "We the people" will be reimbursed for all the bs that we have been paying for years, and that our parent, grandparents etc paid. (More on this later on how that will look.)
This leads up to where your 30 plus smart cities are going to come into play. This will create jobs and countries will put their industries here creating jobs. However, if you are debt free and given a large amount of money....how many will be willing to work? Exactly why you need to embrace AI, robots and the modern technology the aliens will bring you.
What if you cannot deal with the thought that aliens are already here? Let me give you something to think about. Everyone seems to think that wifi and cellphones come from satellites when indeed they do NOT, they come from a cable on the bottom of the ocean. (Look it up.) The bottom of the ocean, the place the government has convinced you that we cannot go, but we can go to the moon, so they said. So cable on the bottom of the ocean, aliens live at the bottom of the ocean and the US Government created the World Wide Web.....I will let you connect the dots there.
Okay, whew....I have dumped A LOT on you today and believe me there is so much more. (Stay tuned, I will update you as we go. 32 hour work week, apothecary's, sound frequencies, the end of organizations to include CPS and family law, JP Morgan faking the sinking of the Titanic etc.)
So as your psychic, what does 2025 look like for you?
Lots of changes and a lot to adjust to. Debt free, refocusing your life on LIVING. We have been in survival mode and with each passing day as we journey through 2025 this is going to get easier. Remember as I often tell you that you cannot have a new beginning without an ending. There will be endings and falling empires that you cannot imagine. Expect to stand united, as we did when 9-11 occured. I want to describe 2025 as throwing it back to the 70's with modern comforts. This is where God, your health, wealth, family and happiness will be your primary focus. Not your job and income, that is only a small portion of who you are and why you are here. In a nutshell 2025 will hold for all of us a year of adjustments. Roll with the flow!
Until next time!
This blog has generated A LOT of buzz, if you would like to know more, visit http://whatyoudidntseetoday.rumble.com
We will be brining in a new podcast on this as well as sitting up a new blog.