Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Feedback Form

I have been informed that my "Feedback Form" on the testimonials page is not working properly. We are in process of fixing this problem. Meanwhile if you would like your feedback to go up on the site, just send me an email and I will make sure it gets posted!

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Monday, April 19, 2010

Career & Finances

I hope you all had a great weekend, and I want to pick up with last week's topic on to what people ask a psychic. The second most popular topic is on Career & Finances. There are several out there nowadays that are unemployed and seeking their next job opportunity. As well as those that are seeking to advance in their careers by either switching jobs or furthering their education.
Finances are a all time concern for everyone. They can range from those that are struggling to those that are financially secure but concerned what the future may hold. These questions can also pertain to the sale of homes or properties to investments.
Either way Career & Finances remain the secondary category next to Love & Relationships. Love is an all time consuming emotion, no matter what is going on in your life at present.
For psychic readings, please visit me at www.ms-swami.com.

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Friday, April 16, 2010

Love & Relationships

I am often asked what is the most popular question that people ask about. It is by far their love life. I don't believe people realize what a powerful emotion love really is. It can consume us altogether.
Everyone's situation is different and everyone is unique. Concerns range from new relationships, break-ups, marriages and divorces, looking for the right one to thinking of living together. The list goes on and on.
It is cliche in saying that "you are number one", but it is also true. It applies to all of the circumstances that I listed above...
With love being an all time consuming emotion it is important that you remember this one thing...


The second most popular topic would be Career & Finances. More to come on that later.
Have a great weekend!

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Distant Learning: Reiki Master Course, Handbook

Distant Learning: Reiki Master Course, Handbook & Certification

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Psychic Readings By Jackie

What is Reiki?

Reiki is Japanese for Universal Life Force Energy, or often referred to as Spiritually Guided Energy. In short it is a form of "energy healing". It pertains to working with your chakras. (Chakras are the energy centers of our bodies that turn and process the energy inside of us.) There are 7 main chakras in the body, with each one having a specific color.
A Reiki attunement/session can be done hands on or sent by distance. Either way it is effective. Can it heal your headache? Can it fix your toothache? Yes and no, the energy healing is sent to "heal" the greater good. Meaning it goes into your body where a healing is needed.
Reiki can be learned by anyone. I first learned of Reiki through raving reviews from my clients. I have to agree, it is life altering!
I am now offering Reiki Courses in a Distant Learning format. Now available is Distant Learning: Reiki Master Course, Handbook and Certification. (Reiki Master means that you are certified in Reiki to teach others.) This is now available on my website at www.ms-swami.com
This is a hands-on course including assignments, case studies and a final exam. You and I will work closely together in order to make you a Reiki Master. I didn't waste a lot of time on the history of Reiki as there are many great books available on the subject. This is completely geared to you becoming a Reiki Master. For a limited time I will be offering this course directly from me for $195.00. When the course goes into distribution it will be a lot more. ($370.00 I believe!)
Upcoming will be Distant Learning for Level I & Level II, as well as Distant Learning for Level III and Masters.
PLEASE feel free to email me on my site with any questions or concerns!

Psychic Readings By Jackie