Friday, March 29, 2024

Jackie's horoscopes for April 2024



ARIES Mar 21 to April 19

 The month begins with confirmation of what you had suspected.  What you began manifesting the first of the year will now come to fruition.  Expect the signing of a legal document.  There will be new money coming in, but be warned of your temper.  Remain positive as this month is about taking back your power.  A Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

TAURUS April 20 to May 20

 The month begins with the a  warning of your temper.  You will have to dig for your patience.  Expect major changes this month.  Remain positive as you are on the right path. New money will arrive this month..  You will get what you want at the month's end.  An Aquarius, Gemini and Leo will play a role in your life this month.

GEMINI May 21 to June 20

 The month begins with total victory and a celebration.  This month will be about moving forward and no more procrastinating.  New doors will open for you, but be warned of your temper as jealousy surrounds you.  Expect movement on the home front at the month's end.  A Capricorn, Sagittarius and Virgo will play a role in your life this month.

CANCER June 21 to July 22

 The month begins with a disappointment that turns into a blessing in disguise.  Expect new opportunities.  This is a month of getting what you want, so take the time to relax.  A live music venue may be just what you need.  A small wish will be granted.  Good news will arrive and you will be ready to celebrate.  There is a new beginning at the month's end.  A Virgo will play a role in your life this month.

LEO July 23 to August 22

 The month begins with you having to dig for your patience.  You will get the help that you need and you will get what you want.  Your drive for success is really high.  There will be a lesson well learned by someone using you.  Secrets will be revealed this month.  Expect major changes at the month's end.  A Cancer will play a role in your life this month.

VIRGO (August 23 – Sept. 22)

 The month begins with intensity in love.  This is the time for you to relax and just breath as you head into a new beginning.  This month is about getting everything under control and you will get what you want.  Expect major changes that will lead you to total victory. Trust where you are being led.  A Cancer and a Libra will play a role in your life this month.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

 The month begins with anew emotional path.  This month is about new beginnings and intensity in love.  Relax and take some down time this month.  You will take back your power, but you will also have to dig for your patience.  Expect good news and a celebration at the month's end.  A Pisces will play a role in your life this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov.21)

  The month begins with getting what you want.  Continue to move forward as new money comes in.  New doors will open for you, make sure you walk through them.  What you have been manifesting comes into view this month.  Expect a new beginning.  Secrets will be revealed at the month's end.  A Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

   The month begins with a new emotional path and getting what you want.  Secrets being revealed will prompt a new beginning and sudden changes. There will be a lesson well learned mid month.  A live music venue is just what you need.  Expect major changes, total victory and new opportunities. Another Sagittarius, Libra and Taurus will play a role in your life this month.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)

   The month begins with a disappointment that will prove to be a blessing in disguise.  Continue to push forward and leave an  emotional upset behind.  An ending will soon be followed by a new beginning.  Expect sudden changes mid month.  Expect a fast pace and a new routine.  A small wish will be granted.  Expect delays.  A Virgo, Libra and Pisces will play a role in your life this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your month begins with getting what you want.  Remain positive as you head into a new emotional path.  Be warned that your anxiety is extremely high this month.      There will be intensity in your love live.  You also have a high drive for success.  Get the rest you need while you can as you are heading to a fast pace.  A Pisces will play a role in your life this month.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your month begins with good luck in abundance.  Expect intensity in love and new opportunities.  It is time to make decisions that you have been putting off.  Get ready for a fast pace mid month.  A small wish will be granted.  You need to stop procrastinating because nothing is getting done.  You get what you want but in a form you are not expecting.  An Aries and Capricorn will play a role in your life this month.

Jackie's Horoscopes for March 2024


ARIES Mar 21 to April 19

 The month begins with new opportunities.  Spring fever will set in quickly for you.  You will also have a high drive for success.  You will get what you want but be warned of being used by someone.  There will be intensity in love towards the month's end.  Secrets will be revealed.  Expect the arrival of new money.  An Aquarius will play a role in your life this month. 

TAURUS April 20 to May 20

 The month begins with the signing of a contract and/or legal document.  You will be surrounded by a healing energy.  Remain positive as you begin to get things under control.  You will have to dig for your patience in dealing with others.  There is a warning of your temper and a caution to slow down. The help you need will come in at the month's end.  You will be surrounded by many this month. 

GEMINI May 21 to June 20

 The month begins with you digging for your patience.  There is a warning of your temper and saying things you will later regret.  Expect new money to come in.  Stop beating yourself up and continue to push forward.  Good news will arrive and you will be ready to celebrate.  Get the rest that you need now, because you are getting ready for a fast pace.  You will be surrounded by many people this month. 

CANCER June 21 to July 22

 The month begins with a nice outing and/or date.  Remain positive.  You will get what you want, however it is coming in a form that you are not expecting.  You could also plan a trip out of state.  Expect good luck in abundance mid month.  Be ready to tell someone NO and set your boundaries.  This is a month of getting things under control before you begin a fast pace.  A small wish will be granted at the month's end and you will be surrounded by many.

LEO July 23 to August 22

 The month begins with a disappointment that will be a blessing in disguise. You will get what you want but it is coming in a form you are not expecting.  Expect a new emotional path.  There is also a caution for you to "Slow down" in general.  Expect major changes in many areas.  You are surrounded by a healing energy and being led to total victory.   A Libra will play a role in your life this month. 

VIRGO (August 23 – Sept. 22)

 The month begins with secrets being revealed and getting what you have been manifesting.  You are surrounded by a healing energy and you are ready to move forward. Expect to reunite with someone from your past.  Any delays this month are in your favor.  Expect good luck in abundance as everything is now within your reach.  You will get what you want but it will be in a form you are not expecting.  A Libra and Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month. 

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

 The month begins with you relaxing and taking some down time.  There will be a lesson well learned.  You are heading to a fast pace that will lead you to total victory.  Do not let a disappointment work on your self-esteem.  Your anxiety will be high as everything you want is within reach.  Expect a small wish granted and new opportunities with someone from the past.  A Libra, Pisces and Scorpio will play a role in your life this month. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov.21)

  The month begins with high anxiety.  Expect intensity in love.  Everything you want is within reach.  You will be getting things under control.  Mid month there will be the signing of a legal document.  Expect new opportunities and you are on the right path.  You will also have a high drive for success.  Expect good luck in abundance and a new emotional path.  A Libra will play a role in your life this month.  

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

   The month begins with endings and new beginnings.  Expect new doors to open for you.  Everything you want is within your reach.  You will  reunite with someone from your past; watch your temper. Do not put anything off this month.  Rest when you can as you head for a high pace.  The signing of a legal document will bring in new month.  The help you need will come in by the month's end.  Expect total victory.  A Leo and a Gemini will play a role in your life this month. 

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)

   The month begins with having to dig for your patience.  There will be some brief flirting but nothing serious.   You will get what you want but it will come in a form you are not expecting.  Continue to push forward and do not procrastinate.  Expect a new beginning and a lot of scattered energy.  New money will come into play by the month's end.  A Taurus and an Aquarius will play a role in your life this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

    Your month begins with a high drive for success.  You are surrounded by a healing energy and are heading for a fast pace.  Expect a good business deal.  Be warned about being used by someone.  You can also expect quick new beginnings.  There will be a lesson well learned.  The help that you need will also arrive.  There will be new doors opening for you.  A Capricorn and a Pisces will play a role in your life this month. 

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Your month begins with a small wish granted.  This month is about getting things under control.  There will be a large lease and/or purchase this month.  Expect a new emotional path.  Strength is on your side because it is going to be a busy month.  The answers you seek will come in at the month's end.  Another Pisces will play a role in your life this month. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Hello Spring 2024!

 Hello Everyone!

Happy Spring to you all!

I know it has been a very long time in my putting up posts on my blog.  I do plan to get back to this!

I would like to thank those that are dedicated to my monthly horoscopes!  You have really hung in there with me in the ordeal I have had with my websites!

As of yesterday, all three of my websites are BRAND NEW!  Rebuilt with a new host. (Finger's crossed, and let's pray together for the best!)

Gang, I am still packing a busy schedule.  My day consists of my live streams in between my readings.  As always, appointments are preferred, but not necessary.

18 years this  That even sounds odd when I say it outload!

Please let me know your thoughts and opinions on my new website.  I have added several new features, and think you will find it extremely user friendly.


The email to use is  Now I can say that this is temporary, however, at this time, I think it will be in place for the remainder of 2024.

Thank you all for your dedication and your patience!  I look forward to hearing from you soon!
