Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Jackie's horoscopes for August 2024


ARIES Mar 21 to April 19

 The month begins with a good business deal.  Expect good luck in abundance this month.  What you have been manifesting since spring comes in this month.  Everything you want is within your reach, there will be a celebration near the month's end.  Someone close to you will offer their assistance when you least expect it.  A Leo will play a role in your life this month.

TAURUS April 20 to May 20

The month begins with a celebration and getting things under control.  Take some time to manifest what you want.  Fear and worries leave as you reconnect with someone from your past.  Get ready for a fast past at the month's end.  News doors will open for you, make sure you walk through them.  Overall a busy month!  Many people will surround you this month.

GEMINI May 21 to June 20

The month begins with secrets being revealed.  Get ready for a fast pace this month and trust that you are being led to victory.  You are surrounded by a healing energy of both physical and emotional pain.  New opportunities will present themselves mid month.  You will get what you want but it will be in a form that you are not expecting.  A Capricorn and a Sagittarius will play a role this month.

CANCER June 21 to July 22

 The month begins with a disappointment turning to being a blessing in disguise.  Expect the signing of a legal document. The help that you need is on the way.  Expect many secrets to be revealed.  Someone close to you will offer their assistance to you.  A small wish will be granted.  There will be a new emotional path at the month's enc.  A Taurus and a Libra will play a role in your life this month.

LEO July 23 to August 22

 The month begins with a lesson well learned. Stop beating yourself up over a past decision.  Expect good luck in abundance so remain positive.  Expect sudden changes this month that will put you on the right path.  Continue to move forward.  If you are separated from someone or something it will be just temporary.  A Cancer will play a role in your life this month.

VIRGO (August 23 – Sept. 22)

 The month begins with you getting what you want.  There will be a lot of scattered energy surrounding you.  It appears that you are closing one door while another door will open for you.  Expect endings this month.  Good news will arrive mid month so remain positive.  Time for sudden changes and decisions at the month's end.  Many will surround you this month.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

The month begins with getting what you want.  Be warned of someone using you.  There will be a lot of scattered energy around you.  Working on your self-esteem brings you good luck in abundance.  Dig for your patience regarding matters of the heart.  What you want will come in a form that you are not expecting.  A Capricorn will play a role in your life this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov.21)

  The month begins with a joyful outing.  Move forward and stop procrastinating.  Take the time to work on your self-esteem as fear and worries leave.  Expect good luck in abundance when you least expect it.  There will be a lesson will learned.  You are surrounded by a healing energy.  New doors will open for you a the month's end.  Many will surround you this month.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

   The month begins with getting what you want but in a form your are not expecting.  Remain positive as there will be a lesson well learned.  Mid month brings in a new emotional path with the intensity in love.  There is a caution for you to slow down. Expect a new beginning at the month's end.  A Virgo, Cancer and Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)

   The month begins with good luck in abundance.  There will be a lesson well learned over decisions that you made in haste.  Everything you want is within reach and it's time to make decisions.  Secrets will be revealed in regards to business.  Remain positive as your temper may explode at the month's end.  A Cancer and Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your month begins with you getting what you want.  Expect sudden and quick changes.  What you want to happen will take place but not in the way you thought it would.  Your high drive for success will bring in a good business deal.  Good news arrives when you least expect it.  You will have to dig for your patience as secrets are revealed.  Another Aquarius and a Capricorn will play a role in your life this month.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your month begins with a lesson well learned.  Do not fear as you are on the right path, so trust where you are being led.  Relax, and take some down time.  Expect endings and new beginnings.  Continue to move forward as a disappointment will turn into a blessing in disguise.  You will get what you want but in a different form then you expected.  A Libra and an Aquarius will play a role in your life this month.

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