Thursday, December 1, 2016

Jackie's horoscopes for December 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 2016 "Rants & Raves"

I have had so much going on this month, that I feel like I have missed the entire month of November!

November 22nd, the first day of Sagittarius, Jaselyn turned three!  She is so cute and super sweet.  (Prejudiced I know!)  She had a cute little princess party for her birthday.  This was quickly followed by Thanksgiving.  We had some friends join us this year and really had a great time!

The month ended for me with the final step on my business.  (This has taken months!)  The end result has left me as being the only licensed psychic in my County.  Although I have always had my business license since 2006, it was classified differently as a home business even though the classification stated psychic and tarot card reader.  The first of the year, I had to change the company name, and this created changes with the business as well.

All across the country we have this “Fortune Teller Ordinance”.  The one in my County was adopted in 1940, and I am the first to go through with the entire process.  Although it took a lot of money, meetings and a lot of steps to follow, it is a “Do able” process. I am discouraged to find that many have inquired about it but chosen not to go through with it. I can say that every County Official I met with was more then willing to help me through this.  (I also wondered if this was adopted in my Great Grandmother’s era, as 1940 would have been when she worked as a psychic out of Richmond.)

In case your wondering….I DO support the ordinance.  The industry is 80% shady, unfortunate but true, and I remain and advocate against Psychic Scams.

The change in my business was due to Identity Theft, and this I would wish upon no one!  This has been a year of in and out of attorney’s offices and courtrooms, and it’s not over yet. It appears that some of this may be wrapped up in December while some will carry forward into the New Year.

This also prompted change in the business due to a “Chronic complainer” in the County. (It does make you wonder why an individual feels they know more about me or my business then the County does.)  Is this the same person responsible for my Identity Theft?  There have been numerous investigations at many levels so I am sure it will all come out eventually.

The end result, all of my websites are changing back to NORMAL!  Thank you all for your patience on this and to my surprise many of you had not even noticed until I pointed it out to you.

Overall, this has not been a “Bad” year, but rather a year of cleaning up messes created by someone else, and a really good learning experience.   On the financial end of things, it has hit hard, in addition I have to get ready to repay a lot of these fees in the month of January.  A GoFundMe has been set up in an effort to help me keep things under control.

Also new to the website, I have only had a few of you request or inquire, but I am now set up to process American Express and Discover!  Don’t forget, the best times to reach me are between 1pm to 1am EST.

Your December horoscopes are up!  And for those of you that did not know you get your “Freebie” from me every week, in the form of YouTube videos. 

Join me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are now getting ready for Christmas!

Until Next Time…

Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 2016 "Rants & Raves"

It has been yet another busy month of working on projects and getting things done.  I did take a little time to have some fun with my daughter and granddaughter this month.  We spent a couple of days in Williamsburg, Virginia and had a blast.  Although it is fall, I am grateful that we had perfect weather to take Jaselyn out on the Jamestown Ferry and let her see the James River.

This was our last official “Outing” as we settle into the month of November for Jaselyn’s birthday party and Thanksgiving.

I know many of you are sticking with me with the issues on my website.  I am pleased to announce that all changes will now be made no later then the month of December!!!!  This has been a long wait, with a delay that I will be able to explain in the next upcoming weeks.  Thank you so much for your patience and if you are having problems or find that something is not working correctly please contact me at once.

I have heard from many of you that have stated that the navigation has changed and there is some confusion on what line to call.  The cheapest line to call is the 804number.  I know this has confused many, but trust me when I say “There is always a reason for my madness” and I will discuss this at a later date!

Please remember the best times to reach me are between the hours of 1pm to 1am Eastern.  Appointments are not necessary.

I will be sending out my fall newsletter in the next couple of weeks.  If you wish to join the mailing list you may subscribe.

Thank you to those that have given me your feedback on my book “Twist of Events”, I have actually decided to make a couple of changes to it that I will work on this winter.

In regards to the paranormal, CVAPI has had a lot of fun on investigations the last few weeks with Alex Mac and Fletcher from XL-102, Jackson from Q94, and Kat Simmons from Mix 98.1

Don’t forget that your free monthly horoscopes for November will publish later tomorrow evening!


Until next time…

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 2016 "Rants & Raves"

September is an amazing month of closing out summer and the beginning of fall.  I think it is funny how we go from the beach and the pool to pumpkin spice everything!  In addition to taking a few days off this month, it was also my daughter’s birthday.  Although I am looking forward to the leaves change, it does sadden me to close the pool as it is the official sign of cold weather to come.

As we enter fall, it is that time of year when we get geared up on our paranormal investigations.  We did complete one in August (the website will be updated soon), and returned to that location this month. 

On this investigation we returned with XL-102’s Alex Mac and a special guest of Kat Simmons from Mix 98.1.  We are currently helping XL-102 put together a video for their website, and will have them join us on another investigation as well.

I am often presented with the question of do I think paranormal activity increases this time of year.  Honestly, I don’t.  I believe that people are more inside this time of year and maybe start noticing things that they had not before.  The same as I don’t find it to be true that activity only occurs at night, when in fact much occurs during the day.  The only reason we investigate at night is due to the sensitivity of the night vision cameras will tend to pick up more.

This has been an extremely busy month for me.  In addition to the beach, we had friends visit from New Jersey, some local friends visit and an investigation.  I’m not sure how, but I have also kept my normal working schedule as well.

The best times to reach me are between the hours of 1pm and 1am, and weekends it will vary.  However, there is a live calendar on my website that will let you know if I am available. 

Upcoming I will be in Williamsburg, Virginia October 16th & 17th.  I have 30 minute and one hour sessions open, so email me for details. 

For those that I have talked to or you have messaged me about Reiki, now is a good time to get started!  If you know me well, you know it remains a big part of my life and I enjoy it tremendously.

We have officially cleared Mercury Retrograde and for some of you it packed a powerful punch.  The next Retro is December 20th to January 9th.

Unfortunately, in speaking to some of you, it does appear that I will soon be updating my list of “Common Scams”, please take the time to read this so you do NOT become a victim!

Don’t forget, your horoscopes for October will post tomorrow!  Join me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

Until next time…

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 2016 "Rants & Raves"

It is hard to believe that we are approaching the final days of summer.  (My favorite season!)  Before you know it, there will be pumpkin spice everything, which isn’t a bad thing!

I noticed over the weekend how much Jaselyn has grown over the summer.  I based this on her talking as well as her interaction in the pool time is going by quick!

Thank you to those that are sticking with me as my website undergoes some changes.  If all goes well, it should all fall into place in the month of November.

My summer newsletter went out today (a little later then I thought), and if you would like a copy, you may Subscribe here.

We will begin to enter Mercury Retrograde tomorrow night.  This will run from August 31st through September 23rd.  This one is packing a high-energy that may provoke a lot of restless in energy in most.

The 800# is back in place, however there is a rate increase on that line only.  Your best option is to contact me using the phone number provided below it.  As always, the best time to reach me is between 1pm to 1am, as this allows me to cover the varying time zones.

I am planning to take a couple of days off near Labor Day for some family fun!  I will check my messages often.

I have spoke with a lot of you that have returned to college as well as some of you that are getting your children ready to go back to school.  I know the stay at home moms are happy! 

Central Virginia Paranormal Investigations has completed a residential investigation.  I hope to have that info up on the website later in the month of September.

We are approaching the end of the month, so don’t forget that your free monthly horoscopes will go up on Thursday. 

Join me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

I hope you all have a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend!

Until next time…