Showing posts with label Free horoscopes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free horoscopes. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Jackie's horoscopes for August 2022



CLICK HERE For Jackie's YouTube Channel

Jackie publishes videos on YouTube and TikTok by the zodiac, Daily, Weekly and Monthly.


ARIES  Mar 21 to April 19 Your month begins with you digging for your patience.  Expect new beginnings. You will also be surrounded by people that you are not normally surrounded by.   A quick trip out of state may bring the rest and relaxation that you are seeking.  Expect a fast pace near the month's end.  You will be surrounded by many this month.

TAURUS April 20 to May 20 The month begins with you being surrounded by a healing energy, both physical and emotional.  You are on the right path this month.  Any delays this month will be in your favor. Expect to reunite with someone from your past mid to late month.  A Leo will play a role in your life this month.

GEMINI May 21 to June 20 The month begins with a good business deal.  This is a month of getting what you want, however, it will come in a form you are not expecting.  Good news will arrive when you least expect it as well. A quick weekend getaway is just what you need at the end of the month.  A Sagittarius, Aries and Scorpio will play a role in your life this month.

CANCER June 21 to July 22 The month begins with confirmation on what you had suspected.  Get ready for a fast pace as this month will move quickly.  Expect a celebration at the month's end.  The help that you need will arrive.  Relax and take some down time for yourself.  An Aries and Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

LEO July 23 to August 22 The month will begin with a date and/or outing. Any delays this month will be in your favor.  Expect new beginnings and total victory.  The help you need will arrive.  Get the rest that you need while you can.  You are in the calm before the storm and heading for a  fast pace.  Another Leo will play a role in your life this month.

VIRGO (August 23 - Sept. 22) The month begins with everything you want will begin to fall into place.  Expect major changes and new doors to open for you.  Stop beating yourself up, the help you need is on the way.  This is the month of getting what you want but it will come in a form you are not expecting.  A Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22) The month begins with some delays that may irritate you, but actually they are in your favor.  You have a very high drive for success.  The help you need will be provided.  It will be time to make decisions that you have been putting off at the month's end.  An Aquarius will play a role in your life this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21) The month begins with good news so get ready to celebrate.  A small wish will be granted around mid month.  It is time to make decisions that you have been putting off.  A live music venue is present at the month's end.  Continue to move forward as everything indicates that you are on the right path.  A Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) The month begins with reuniting with someone from your past.  Relax and take some down time as more then one wish will be granted.  Expect a new emotional path this month.  The month ends with you making decisions that you have been putting off and a lesson well learned.  Another Sagittarius and a Cancer will play a role in your life this month.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) The month begins with getting what you want although it is not in the form you expected.  You are on the right path, but there will be some delays.  Take some time to yourself this month and work on any self-esteem issues. Someone close to you will be ready to assist you.  A Virgo and Scorpio will play a role in your life this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Your month begins with endings and new beginnings.  Any delays that occur this month are actually to your favor.  This is a month of getting what you want, but it will be towards the end of the month. Expect a month of new opportunities.  A Gemini, Cancer and Pisces will play a role in your life this month.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Your month begins with a temporary separation from someone or something.  This is a month of getting what you want, however you will have to dig for your patience.  Relax and take some down time.  Be warned of your temper around mid month.  The month ends with making decisions you have been putting off.  Another Pisces will play a role in your life this month.


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Jackie's horoscopes for June 2022

 ARIES  Mar 21 to April 19 Your month begins with a lot of scattered energy.  This is a  month of major changes and you will get what you want.  Be warned of your temper towards the month's end.  The help that you need will arrive. If you are separated from someone or something it will be temporary.  A Leo will play a role in your life this month.

TAURUS April 20 to May 20 The month begins with a live music venue.  You will have more then one new beginning this month.  This is a month of a celebration and total victory.  Expect quick and sudden changes.  An Aries, Gemini and Pisces will play a role in your life this month.

GEMINI May 21 to June 20 The month begins with a good business deal and good luck in abundance.  Expect sudden changes this month.  You will get what you want but it will come in a form that you are not expecting.  You will reconnect with someone from your past at the month's end.  You will be surrounded by many people this month.

CANCER June 21 to July 22 The month begins with a new emotional path.  New opportunities will appear in your personal life and your professional life.  Fear and worries will soon leave and you will be ready to celebrate.  An Aquarius and a Capricorn will play a role in your life this month.

LEO July 23 to August 22 The month will begin a live music venue.  Dig for your patience as delays will be in your favor, just remember that you are on the right path this month.  Expect new beginnings and get the rest that you need when you can. You will also have to make decisions you have been putting off.  A Virgo will play a role in your life this month.

VIRGO (August 23 - Sept. 22) The month begins with a small wish being granted.  It is time to make decisions you have been putting off.  A new emotional path shows you are reconnecting with someone from your past.  This is the month to get everything under control.  A Taurus and a Capricorn will play a role in your life this month.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22) The month begins with you holding your ground and telling someone "No".  Expect new opportunities.  Everything you want is now within reach.  A celebration will take place as you are getting things under control.  The month ends with total victory for you.  Many people will surround you this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21) The month begins with several new beginnings.  Expect a small wish to be granted.  You will have to dig for your patience as you reconnect with someone from your past.  Secrets will be revealed.  The help that you need will arrive.  There will be a new emotional path as you get things under control.  A Leo will play a role in your life this month.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) The month begins with good news arriving followed by a celebration.  A small wish will be granted.  Pace yourself, as you carry a high drive for success.  This month you are making decisions and moving forward.  Someone may ask to move in at the month's end.  An Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio will play a role in your life this month.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) The month begins with you digging for your patience.  You are surrounded by a healing energy this month and expect a new emotional path.  You are on the right path and someone close to you will offer to help you.  Remain positive and trust where you are being led.  An Aries and Libra will play a role in your life this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Your month begins with new money coming in.  Be warned of being used by someone.  A small wish will be granted.  It is also time to make decisions you have been putting off.  Get the rest that you need this month, it's time to relax. The help you need will arrive.  A Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Your month begins with some low self-esteem.  Relax and get some rest as this is a month that you get what you want.  You are surrounded by a healing energy and some new doors will open for you.   Remain positive and keep moving forward as you are on the right path.  A Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio will play a role in your life this month.


Friday, January 28, 2022

Jackie's horoscopes for February of 2022


CLICK HERE For Jackie's YouTube Channel

Jackie publishes videos on YouTube by the zodiac, Weekly and Monthly.



ARIES Mar 21 to April 19 Your month begins with you digging for your patience.  What may first appear as a disappointment will turn into a blessing.  Expect a large purchase mid to late month.  Keep pushing forward as you are on the right path.  You will also plan a trip out of state.  Expect positive changes on the home front. A Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

TAURUS April 20 to May 20 The month begins with new opportunities that will present themselves to you.  Any delays this month will be in your favor.  Expect sudden change, but positive changes.  The help that you need will arrive.  A surge in your love life will lead to more changes.  Get ready for a fast paced month.  Many will surround you this month.

GEMINI May 21 to June 20 The month begins with you beating yourself up over a past decision.  Let that energy go, because this is a month of getting what you want.  Expect to move forward and a very fast pace.  You could also receive news of a marriage.  Push through work as it will be a strain.  An Aquarius may play a role in your life this month.

CANCER June 21 to July 22 The month begins with some scattered energy as you have a full plate.  Expect good luck in abundance.  Take the time to get everything under control now as you will fall under a new beginning in the spring.  News of a court date, or a visit to a court house will be most positive for you.   A Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

LEO July 23 to August 22 The month will begin with the calm before the storm.  Expect sudden changes this month.  The planning of a trip out of state in the summer will occur this month.  Date night and/or the beginning of a new relationship is also present.  You're on the right path.  It may be time for an occupation change upcoming.  Another Leo will play a role in your life this month.

VIRGO (August 23 - Sept. 22) The month begins with you having to dig for your patience on delays.  Good news will soon arrive.  New doors will open for you and many secrets will be revealed.  You are on the right path and you have a high drive for success.  An unexpected gift at the end of the month comes as a surprise.  A Scorpio and a Pisces will play a role in your life this month.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22) The month begins with good luck in abundance.  This is a successful month for you, but be warned a business deal may fall through.  Your love life is strong this month.  You will begin making summer plans.  Expect to reuinte with someone from your past.  A Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21) The month begins with  a small wish being granted.  This is a month of taking your power back.  Continue  to keep pushing forward as you will begin reaching your goals.  Expect positive changes on the home front.  There is also the planning of a short trip soon.  An Aquarius will play a role in your life this month.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) The month begins with  one door closing and another door opening. Expect a new beginning.  Mid month a delay may anger you, but will turn out to best.  Be warned of someone trying to use you this month, or stealing your ideas.  A change in occupation could be in store.  A Capricorn and an Aquarius will play a role in your life this month.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) The month begins with all new beginnings.  This is a month of getting everything under control.  Good news will soon arrive.  Any delays this month are in your favor.  Expect to reconnect with someone on a deeper level.  You could also receive news of a marriage this month.  A Sagittarius, Cancer and Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Your month begins with  secrets being revealed.  Expect a new emotional path.  There is a caution for you to slow down, in general.  The help that you need will come through, but in a form you are not expecting.  Trust where you are being led.  A Virgo will play a role in your life this month.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Your month begins with reconnecting with someone from your past.  Secrets will be revealed.  This is a month of getting things under control, and a small wish granted.  Know that you are on the right path.  Dig for your patience as there will be many changes this month.  A Cancer, Sagittarius, and Leo will play a role in your life this month.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Jackie's horoscopes for January 2022 (And 2022 Mercury Retro dates)

 ARIES Mar 21 to April 19 Your month begins with reuniting with someone from your past.  You can also expect the signing of a contract and a good business deal.  The last two weeks of the month show that you will get what you want.A change at work shows that you are on the right path. A Pisces will play a role in your life this month.

TAURUS April 20 to May 20 The month begins with confirmation and/or clarity on something you suspected.  A small wish will be granted.  This is a month of taking back your power and working on your self-esteem. A message you have been waiting on will arrive.  You may look at changing occupations.  Many will surround you this month.

GEMINI May 21 to June 20 The month begins with the help you need will come through.  Expect the signing of a contract.  New opportunities will be presented mid month.  Expect new money to come in this month and there is a warning to be mindful of your health.  A Capricorn, Aries and Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

CANCER June 21 to July 22 The month begins with a good business deal and a celebration.  You will get what you want.  You are surrounded by a healing energy this month and headed to recovery.  Expect a message of a marriage and/or engagement to arrive.  Another Cancer will play a role in your life this month.

LEO July 23 to August 22 The month will begin with digging for your patience.  A good business deal is at hand.  If you are separated from someone or something it will be temporary. Expect a joyful outing and/or date. Expect an unexpected income at the month’s end. A Cancer, Taurus and a Scorpio will play a role in your life this month.

VIRGO (August 23 – Sept. 22) The month begins with you voicing your opinion and moving forward.  Expect a good business deal.  You will get what you want but it will come in a form that you are not expecting.  Changes on the home front will put you on the right path. A Cancer, Gemini, and an Aquarius will play a role in your life this month.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22) The month begins with you making decisions that you have been putting off for too long.  Expect endings as well as new beginnings. Be warned of your temper mid month.  You will get everything that you want , but not until the month’s end.  An Aries will play a role in your life this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21) The month begins with you getting what you want but in a different form then you are expecting.  What may first appear as disappointment will be a blessing in disguise. Expect total victory and new beginnings.  The help you need will arrive.  A Cancer and a Libra will play a role in your life this month.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) The month begins with a good business deal.  Expect to reunite with someone from your past.  Remain guarded as secrets will soon be revealed.  Continue to push forward as you are on the right path and this is a month of getting what you want.  Expect sudden wealth.  A Scorpio will play a role in your life this month.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) The month begins with the signing of a contract and a celebration.  The help that you need is on the way.  Expect to volunteer at a community event mid month.  You are also giving a second chance in love by the month’s end.   A Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio will play a role in your life this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Your month begins with a  celebration.  The help that you need will arrive. Expect the “Calm before the storm” and get the rest you need when you need it.  Making decisions you have been putting off will lead to total victory. A small wish will be granted at the month’s end.  A Cancer will play a role in your life this month.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Your month begins with you getting everything under control.  Expect to work on your self-esteem this month.  The person on your thoughts will reach out to you mid month.  New money could also come into play this month.  A court date appears at the month’s end.  Many will surround you this month.



Jan 14th  to Feb 3rd

May 10th to June 3rd

Sept 9th to Oct 2nd

Dec. 29th to Jan 18th 2023



Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Jackie's horoscopes for April 2021



ARIES (Mar 21- April 19)

Your month begins with sudden changes.  This is a month of getting things under control as everything will begin to fall into place for you.  You can also expect confirmation of something you had suspected near the month’s end..  A Capricorn will play a role in your life this month.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

The month begins with you being true to yourself and telling someone “No”.  You will have a lot of decisions to make this month and some will require you to dig for your patience.  There will be endings and new beginnings at the month’s end that are in your favor.  A Libra will play a role in your life this month.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)  

The month begins with new opportunities being presented to you.  You are surrounded by a healing energy this month.  Expect good luck in abundance as it is a month of taking your power back.  Your love life becomes intense towards the month’s end.  Many will surround you this month.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

The month begins with new money coming in and you getting what you want.  Also, the help  that you need will soon arrive.  Expect more then one wish to be granted this month.  Get ready for a fast pace, as the whole month will move quickly.  A Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

The month will begin with quick and sudden changes.  It is time for you to move forward and stop procrastinating.  Remain positive as small wishes will be granted.  This is a month of placing yourself first.  Secrets will be revealed toward the month’s end.   Libra and Gemini will play a role in your life this month.

VIRGO (August 23 – Sept. 22) 

The month begins with a celebration.  Everything you want is now within reach, however delays are also in your favor.  Take some down time to yourself mid month.  You can expect more then one new beginning this month that will be in your favor.  Many will surround you this month.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

The month begins with new opportunities and making decisions that you have been putting off.  The signing of a legal document will result in a celebration.  This is a month of getting what you want, so take some time to yourself.   Delays may be irritating, but are also to your favor.  A Cancer and Pisces play a role in your life this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The month begins with a celebration.  Expect major changes and good luck in abundance this month.  You may also consider a large purchase.  This is a month of getting what you want.  Expect sudden changes towards the month’s end.  Many will surround you this month.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

This is a month of getting things under control.  Expect good luck in abundance to come in waves.  Everything you want is now in reach.  Secrets will be revealed.  You can expect major changes throughout the month.  A healing energy surrounds you.  Another Sagittarius will play a role in your life this month.

 CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)

The month begins with some new doors opening for you.  Expect good luck in abundance and total victory in whatever you set out to do.  A trip out of state will soon be planned.  Stop procrastinating and move forward.  You will make decisions you have been putting off at the month’s end.  Many will surround you this month.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your month begins with a new emotional path.  Your love life will be intense this month.  This is a month of getting things under control, however any delays are actually in your favor.  Confirmation of what you suspected comes in at the month’s end.  A Leo will play a  role in your life this month.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your month will begin with a good business deal, however, it will not be what you thought it would be.  Expect some major changes mid month.  If you are separated from someone or something, it is only temporary.  Someone close will offer their assistance when needed. A Sagittarius and a Leo will play a role in your life this month.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 2016 "Rants & Raves"

It has been yet another busy month of working on projects and getting things done.  I did take a little time to have some fun with my daughter and granddaughter this month.  We spent a couple of days in Williamsburg, Virginia and had a blast.  Although it is fall, I am grateful that we had perfect weather to take Jaselyn out on the Jamestown Ferry and let her see the James River.

This was our last official “Outing” as we settle into the month of November for Jaselyn’s birthday party and Thanksgiving.

I know many of you are sticking with me with the issues on my website.  I am pleased to announce that all changes will now be made no later then the month of December!!!!  This has been a long wait, with a delay that I will be able to explain in the next upcoming weeks.  Thank you so much for your patience and if you are having problems or find that something is not working correctly please contact me at once.

I have heard from many of you that have stated that the navigation has changed and there is some confusion on what line to call.  The cheapest line to call is the 804number.  I know this has confused many, but trust me when I say “There is always a reason for my madness” and I will discuss this at a later date!

Please remember the best times to reach me are between the hours of 1pm to 1am Eastern.  Appointments are not necessary.

I will be sending out my fall newsletter in the next couple of weeks.  If you wish to join the mailing list you may subscribe.

Thank you to those that have given me your feedback on my book “Twist of Events”, I have actually decided to make a couple of changes to it that I will work on this winter.

In regards to the paranormal, CVAPI has had a lot of fun on investigations the last few weeks with Alex Mac and Fletcher from XL-102, Jackson from Q94, and Kat Simmons from Mix 98.1

Don’t forget that your free monthly horoscopes for November will publish later tomorrow evening!


Until next time…

Monday, February 29, 2016

February 2016 "Rants & Raves"

Amazing how I have been meaning to write my blog for the last few days and just finding time to get to it.  Although we gained an extra day this year in February, it does appear that the month has flown by!

I hope you all had a great Valentine’s day and are now getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day.

I apologize to those that subscribe to my blog and the monthly horoscopes.  I generally email these out, however I simply ran out of time.

For those that have purchased my book, THANK YOU!  I am REALLY enjoying hearing your feedback.  (That certainly does help me with the sequel!) 

Also a big THANK YOU, in working with me on the transitions to my website this month.  This is the first month that I have weeded out the 800# for psychic readings.  This process is going well!  Please remember that paypal will remain an option for you and is backed by MasterCard.

For those that are using the Call Now option, there is a live calendar on that page.  It updates several times a day.  If you need a specific time, please let me know.  It will also give you an idea of when I am available and when I am not.

We are officially on the countdown until spring!  However, if you are in the Virginia area, do not be surprised to see snow on and off throughout the month.  Hang in there it is almost over!

This coming Saturday March 5th, we have a meeting for new members of like minded people for Central Virginia Psychic Development& Paranormal Research in Chester, VA at 2pm.  If you are available please feel free to join us as it is open to the public.

I did want to mention that I am hearing a lot about psychic scams circulating from my clients.  Please do not fall victim to spells, curse removals, aura cleansings etc.  Feel free to email me any time if you care to discuss this further at

In March you can expect a solar eclipse on March 8th, the Super Moon will follow this.  Though we have some upcoming Super Moons, this one will be the strongest.  The best word to describe it would be “Intense”.

Don’t forget, your free monthly horoscopes will publish tonight on my website.

Join me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.

Until next time…