Showing posts with label Psychic Jackie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychic Jackie. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Placing your life on hold...

In speaking with a member of Central VA Psychic Development & Paranormal Research, I found someone that placed her life on hold for 6 months after meeting with a local psychic for a reading.
The problem? The psychic had told her that a particular person would return to her within 6 months. This never came to pass. Meanwhile, she tells me she was an emotional mess in that time.
With many varying gifts that psychic's carry, how do they read tiimeframes? Some say they can see timeframes while others cannot. In the event I am doing a reading and I am asked for a timeframe, I either see it or I don't. With some an actual date will show, with others a calendar, and when we are in that particular timeframe I am unable to narrow it down from there. So how much faith do you put into timeframes?
A psychic reading is meant to be uplifting and insightful. It is an opportunity for you to see what lies ahead. If there is something negative upcoming, you have an opportunity to change that path. If there is something you are waiting for upcoming, you should no its a matter of time, and NOT place your life on hold for it.
So what happened in her situation? Was the timing off? Or was the psychic inaccurate?
I actually view this in two differnt ways. First off, yes timeframes can be off. I have found it is perfectly feesible to get someone in the right timeframe, but hard to "pinpoint" an actual date of events.
Next, was the psychic inaccurate? You would have to look at the entire reading to determine that. Did things actually come to pass? Or was the reading generalized?
The first key in an accurate psychic reading is actually taking the time to research your psychic. If they are indeed offering psychic readings to the public, then there has to be a track record somewhere, and generally you can find a lot of this information online.
I do have many successful "timeframe" stories that my clients can share, I hope they will do so. One that really sticks with me happened a few years ago. When she first contacted me she had ended things with the love of her life, he had left the country and they had no way of contacting one another. Though I still saw him there in her reading, I also saw that it would be several months out. He did indeed return 19 months later and they married.
The point I want to make here, is not on the timeframe, but the fact that she did continue to live her life. She even played the dating game. Though he was the one she indeed wanted, she never ruled out other possibilities. She continued her readings with me and did not dwell on this person returning.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jackie's Gems & Jewels

A little something about me...
I LOVE JEWELRY! Costume jewelry is my absolute favorite. I started offering Jackie's Gems & Jewels on my website for those that share in that passion. What I like most about costume jewelry is that it is affordable with a lot of colors.
One of the fun pieces that I offer are my "bling rings". They match anything you wear and I don't think I have ever been anywhere that someone hasn't complimented me on them. (I have even sold a couple right off of my fingers!)
Costume jewelry, if purchased correctly can be a lot of fun. These pieces are not worn everyday, and offers that extra "pop" to anything you wear. Some of them have actual gemstones that carry many varying purposes to them. Coming up I will be adding some cuff bracelets that I am EXTREMELY excited about.
Newly added are "Judy's Jewels", who is Judy? She is my mother. She sells her jewelry on ebay and has allowed me to hand pick a few pieces for the site. (I wear her jewelry often as well!) All of her pieces are handmade and are fun!
My career is psychic readings, my hobby is ghost hunting, but in all honesty I am a "Jewelry Junkie". Stop by my site and let me know what you think.
If you have a special request, contact me and I will see what I can do.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Bringing Ashley Home" on Lifetime

This Sunday September 4th at 4PM EST, my client has her story re-airing on Lifetime called, "Bringing Ashley Home". This is a must watch! (Besides, you can never go wrong with a Lifetime movie.) Ashley is her sister. For more information visit the Lifetime Link.
You can learn more about her organization at Outpost for HopePlease feel free to contact them if you have a missing loved one or a "kid off the grid". They are there to assist!

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Irene was downgraded to a severe tropical storm when it hit us Saturday afternoon until the wee hours of Sunday morning. This sent our power out early on Saturday, coming back on this afternoon. Though I lost 14 trees (uprooted), I came out with no damage. Unfortunately, my neighbors ended up with a few of my trees hitting their house. At this time, my power is on again and off again as they try to get everyone in my area up and running. Your patience is GREATLY appreciated as I begin answering emails.

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Feeling the Earth move today...

I am AMAZED at how many of you across the US and Canada remembered I am in Virginia and I thank all of you for the emails of concern. We indeed did had a 5.8 earthquake today, located a couple of counties over from us. My daughter was in the office with me at the time and we are all just fine. No damage to report but a very long 30 seconds. They have reported one after shock so far, that we did not even feel.
Now on to the weekend. We are keeping our eye on Hurricane Irene. As of now it has the potential to hit us as a Category 2 Hurricane. We went through a Category 1 back in 2003 and were without power and land locked for days. So we are hoping for the best on this go around.
In the event I loose power it WILL affect emails, email readings and your weekly forecast. (I am on what I refer to as "Hootersville Electric") In this case, please know that you will be my TOP priority once I'm up and running again. You may continue to send your emails at and I will answer them in the order recieved.
Again, thank you all for your concern, we are just fine!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Psychic Scams on Blogtalk

A new psychic scam has recently come to my attention that I want to share with other psychics and paranormal investigators. I have been approached from a psychic with a "featured radio show" on Blogtalk. They are asking for payment to appear as a guest on their show, as well as offering advertising on thier Blogtalk site.
First of all, you should never PAY to appear on ANY radio show.
To add to their "hype" they have included some well known psychics and paranormal investigators names that they say have appeared on their show. In browsing their past shows podcasts, none of these people are on these shows.
I did indeed approach them to see if this was for their own financial gain and this is the copy of the response that I recieved:

"No its not financial gain, its to keep the show on the air and this show has helped so many people, we have helped people even as far as stopping them from committing suicide. All of my guest have been more then happy to help the show, as they know how much the show helps people, they get to help when they are on and many listeners go them privately for help!"

Okay, first of all...psychics do NOT offer medical or legal advice. I have a real issue with the fact that you proclaim to have stopped someone from committing suicide when you are not in the medical field.
Next if you cannot afford your featured radio show GET OFF THE AIR! Or downgrade to a free show since you obviously have such a strong following.
A lot of talk shows are informative and do help people at large. However, it is ridiculous to think that people would pay to be on the radio.

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Monday, April 18, 2011

Next Local Reiki Certifications - Saturday April 30th

For those interested in Reiki Certifications, the next date at the local level will be Saturday April 30th. Please email me if you have any questions! I love meeting people that share the Reiki interests!

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Upcoming Psychic & Paranormal Events


On the Psychic Front:

Psychic Leo Brown from Illinois and I will be teaming up for a few days in the month of November. Though our schedule is tight due to upcoming radio appearances and a couple of interviews, we are running a Psychic Development Workshop and Live Readings in this area (Chesterfield, Virginia) for a couple of days only. The dates are Friday November 5th, and Saturday November 6th, and then we head to Charlotte NC for live readings and appearances on Monday November 8th. You will also find Leo’s bio at the bottom of the page. Any questions that you have you may contact me by email.

(To schedule an event, please contact me directly through one of the websites and NOT ON FACEBOOK.)

Psychic Development & Psychic Readings

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP - Friday November 5th from 7:00PM to 9:00PM
SEATING IS LIMITED! Spend the evening with two well-known psychics! This is a 2-hour workshop with Jackie and Leo on psychic development. Topics will cover tools that a psychic may use, how you may get started, the varying gifts, and dream interpretation. This will also include a personalized psychic assessment with tips on what you can do to develop your own abilities. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Cost is $75.00 per person.

LIVE PSYCHIC READINGS – Saturday November 6th Beginning at 8:00AM
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! This is for a full one-hour reading with Jackie and Leo. Due to scheduling we ask that you please plan to arrive on time. This is a wonderful opportunity to see first hand how psychics read differently and what each one may see and pick up on you. This is being offered for ONE DAY ONLY in this area. Cost is $150.00 per person.

$25.00 DISCOUNT for those that plan to attend both.
Visit under the “EVENTS” section to prepay and reserve your spot now, as they are filling up quick!

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA – Monday November 8th from 10:00PM to 2:00AMLIVE READINGS with Jackie and Leo. PreVue Rhythm Lounge, 2909 North Davidson Street, Charlotte NC 28205. Live Radio at 12:00PM Noon in the Charlotte area. (More details coming soon!)

On the Paranormal Front:

CVAPI (Central Virginia Paranormal Investigations). Radio appearances and lecture and presentation on Ghost Hunting.


LIVE RADIO – Friday October 15th at 8:00PM Eastern “Living in a Paranormal World” with Psychic Leo Brown. Call in’s welcome.
GHOST HUNTING 101 WITH CVAPI – Tuesday October 19th 6:30PM to 8:30PMGrissom Library, 366 DeShazor Drive, Newport News, VA 23608
LIVE RADIO – Saturday November 20th at 8:00PM Eastern “The Paranormal View” with Beth & Henry. CBS Radio Para X
Leo Brown's Bio:
Leo Brown has always been a talker. Ever since he was a boy growing up in the Deep South. "I would always run my mouth and tell people what I thought," he says. Though, some loved the fact that he was so open with his thoughts, some people found him to be a bit of a loudmouth. "As I was growing up, I was thinking of ways to use this mouth I had. I tried everything from customer service rep to selling medical insurance via phone. Nothing worked because I'd end up giving advice and telling people what was coming up for them," he says with a laugh. When asked if he always knew that he was psychic, his reply is simple. "Yes, but back where I come from, people I knew didn't say I was psychic they just told me that I knew things others didn't." Sitting in a comfy brown regal-looking chair but dressed in just a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt, Leo seems comfortable and at peace. Ever the open book, he goes on to say how his psychic skills began to take shape. "It started with dreams and just what you would call hunches at first, but as I got older especially around eighteen, it really grew, I had friends that would ask me about their love life, jobs, basic life questions even pets and soon my name started to grow but I never thought of it as a job, I was just helping people see things clearer." How Leo got into the business as a professional psychic is another story. "Actually, my best friend from high school suggested that I should seriously think about it as a career. My first thought was, No! I can't do that," he says laughing loudly. Fast-forward to today and Leo Brown not only loves what he does but also has a strong passion for it. "I'm very, very happy and glad I took my best friend's advice." he says as his smile radiates the room we're sitting in. "I've been in this business for six years and I feel that when you pick up that phone to speak with me, you’re speaking with a friend, who truly wants to help you and empower your life." "The key is though," he continues to say with a serious look on his face, "you have to be ready for the truth, because this is your life and your reading. I can be your friend only if you allow me to be."

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Phone System

The main phone system is not working right now. Please use the Click4advisor tab and call on this line until they can get the other line going again!

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Can things change in a reading?

In speaking to one of my clients today, they had spoken with another psychic that told them "things can change in a reading". This is not the first time I've heard this so I wanted to discuss this a little further.
First of all, I want to remind you that the whole purpose of a psychic reading is so that you will know what is to come. Can you change that? Sometimes you can.
A good example of this is a traffic ticket. If I see you getting a traffic ticket and you remember that and slow down, then your in good shape. More so than not, you remember AFTER the fact.
Another example would be if you ask if you will meet someone new this weekend. Well if I tell you yes, and you go out, then it is highly probable. If on the other hand you decide to stay at home, well now, that changes everything.
These are just two examples of how "things can change". I have not experienced any drastic changes in readings, unless the individual has actually changed something.
The timing of matters can be delayed, for this you can thank the Universe. But timing is crucial in all events. "For everything there is a reason and a season".
So as for the original question..."Can things change in a reading?"...
You yourself can change things. The only thing a psychic can do is relay to you how things will play out, what you do with that is up to you.
Now, for those of you that have been told that things can change in a reading, and you have had NOTHING materialize or come to pass...this I would question.
The changes I have seen are generally small details controlled by the client.

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Gifts

I have been asked many times about the varying gifts of a psychic. So I want to take the time to discuss a few things. First of all not all psychics are mediums, but all mediums are psychic. What is a medium? It is someone that can effectively communicate with the other side.
Clairvoyant. 90% of my readings are clairvoyant, it means that I am clear seeing. The best I can describe this is that I can visually see what is to come. (Like mini movies.) The other 10% of my readings are Tarot readings by request. Can all psychics read the Tarot? No. Can anyone learn to read the Tarot? Yes. I have seen many great Tarot readers that can also pick up clairvoyance from the Tarot.
An Intuitive and an Empath. An intuitive is someone that "reads" by their "gut feeling", it does not mean they can actually see things that will come. An Empath is someone who picks up on emotions. Are they psychic? In my opinion, no. Although they can be accurate at times, and they are psychic abilities, it does not "make" them a psychic. Unfortunately, many have found that they can make money at readings and now consider themselves psychic. This is generally found out after a few readings due to lack of accuracy, or they will state "I cannot read for you right now."
For a clairvoyant reading please feel free to contact me at

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Choosing a psychic

I don't expect everyone that visits my site to choose me for a reading. Sometimes, you need to let that "gut feeling" lead you. What "feels right" and what doesn't. Some key things you will want to look for:
- How long have they been around?
- Do you "feel" you would be comfortable speaking to them.
- What are their gifts?
- Can you find them on the web?
- Do they offer a reading that would fit you? (Ex. Tarot, Clairvoyance, Medium, etc.)
- Is the price a reasonable request? (A higher price does NOT mean a better psychic.)
There is another "red flag" that you need to look for...
If they do NOT disclose what they charge, be leery! (This is a common scam.)
Also note, how will you pay? (Do not send cash or Western Union!)
Let your instincts lead!

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Your Weekly Forecast

I am really hoping to have this up and running by the weekend. This is something that has been MONTHS in the making! A very popular service over in Europe and slowly catching on here in the US.
What does this mean? It is a monthly subscription for you to receive your weekly forecast (mini reading) via SMS/Text messaging. I want to stress to you that these are NOT your horoscopes! These are actual mini readings geared towards you, and what is to come in the upcoming week.
Your subscription runs through PayPal and you will be billed each month at the same time you sign up.
Your first reading comes within 24 hours of your subscription, and weekly on late Sunday evenings or early Monday morning.
Keep an eye on my website at as it will let you know when it's available!

Psychic Readings By Jackie

What can your dreams tell you?

What can your dreams tell you?

Posted using ShareThis

Psychic Readings By Jackie

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Somethings you should not have to pay for...

I was speaking with another psychic yesterday and I have to say we agreed to disagree. Although we all work by our own standards and code of ethics, it is my personal opinion that you should never pay for a house clearing or a house blessing.
I do understand that to some this is part of their psychic services, but it doesn't mean I agree with it.
Clergy offers these services, generally free of charge. To the homeowners that I personally know, if someone tried to charge them they found someone else. She then referenced that our work is somewhat like "clergy", as we work as spiritual counselors.
Well then this just confuses me. As I said, clergy generally does not charge for this service. I personally have never considered myself as a "counselor." To me this is someone who "gives advice", not discloses what they "see". So no, I am afraid I do not see that connection.
This to me falls into the same category as how we offer our paranormal services free of charge. I also do not support the teams that are charging for them.
Yes, we all have a right to make a living. However, I do feel that there are times when charging for something is not appropriate.
Like I said, just my personal opinion, but some things we should not have to pay for!

Psychic Readings By Jackie