Showing posts with label horoscopes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horoscopes. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2015

March & April 2015 "Rants & Raves"

I had to check, because I have never missed a month of posting, however, I ran out of time in the month of March.  (And no I didn’t forget, I just didn’t have time to get to it.)
The last few weeks I have been juggling appointments, Jaselyn, my book and the dreaded deed of yard work.

I am super excited to see spring here!  (Excluding the pollen of course.)  However, the yard work that comes with it is always challenging in the clean up after the winter.  I am happy to report that this task is almost complete!

The book I am working on is coming to an end.  (Kind of sad about that as odd as that may sound.)  I had hoped to have it to the editor by now, but due to my schedule I have pushed that back a bit.  And of course I have a few rewrites where I want to change some things up.  However, I will keep you posted on this.  I can say I have enjoyed every single minute of it and kind of sad that it’s coming to an end.  There again, I am excited because there is a second one that will follow.

Miss Jaselyn is a delight!  She is spitting out new words each week.  I am amazed on how smart she is and how quickly she picks up things.  She is a joy to have around!  Currently we are working on a small garden for her to plant things in.  (She loves digging in the dirt.)  I have purchased my own car seat and looking forward to park dates and story time at the library.

Though I struggle with my sinuses and allergies, I am enjoying watching everything come into bloom.  My azaleas bloomed this week.  My aunt planted them years ago and they now stand between 8 and 10 foot tall!  Simply gorgeous!

Spring brings crazy weather around here.  From hot to cool.  I am still trying to plan an outing to Hollywood Cemetery so if you are interested join me at Central Virginia Psychic Development &Paranormal Research.

CVAPI is getting a lot of calls, but due to my schedule I don’t have any investigations logged as of now.  (And since I actually typed that I am sure I will!)

So far, everything for me has been rolling along pretty smoothly.  Sometimes you just have to embrace that you are just “In a good spot.”  I am happy to report, that is where I am!

My daughter has been doing wonderful with Origami Owl and loving it.  They now offer “Inscriptions”  (below), so my personalized one came in and I LOVE IT.  She is beginning to work local area vendor events, so if you know of one coming up, please let me know and I will pass it along to her.

Due to being a “Ghost hunter” I have often asked if I am scared of anything.  Well the truth is YES.  (Not of ghosts, even though if you ever see one it will leave you speechless and cost you a few nights sleep.)  My fear….Lizards and frogs!  (Or any reptile!)  Currently my patio appears to be full of those blue tail lizards.  Although they are harmless (And probably just as scared of me.)  They scare me to death!   They may as well be the size of a dragon!  My cat Roxy recently killed one, earning her the name of “Roxy the dragon slayer”, currently she is my hero!  (That is huge because we don’t always get along!)

I want to remind everyone that Mother’s Day is May 10th.  Take care of your Mom’s and if you are a Mother yourself I hope you have a special day and will do something to celebrate your AWESOMENESS!

Currently, I don't have anything local lined up.  However, email me, and I can make arrangements to meet you somewhere.

Join me on Facebook and for specials on psychic readings and Reiki follow me on Twitter.

Until next time…

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 2015 "Rants & Raves"

I hope that the month of February finds you all doing well.  Mercury Retrograde ended on February 11th, and I am getting a lot of people reporting that they are glad its over. (Next Mercury Retrograde is May 18th to June 11th).

For a lot of us the month of February has bought SNOW.  We had our “Large” snow last week, and other then a few flurries; I hope that is the end of it!  My heart goes out to all of you up North, as this has been a rough winter for you.

Unfortunately, little Jaselyn did not get to play in the snow.  She has two ear infections and a sinus infection and on the road to recovery.  She does enjoy standing at the door and it’s the first thing she needs to check on each day.  Today she appears a bit confused as it is melting away.

February also brings Valentine’s Day, to which I hope you all enjoyed!  I received a special coffee cup with Jaselyn’s hand print on it and flowers and a stuffed bear from my daughter.

On that note, I want to discuss “Soul Mates” and “Twin Flames”.  I have a lot of you reference both of these.  The truth is, these are generally the most difficult relationships that present a number of problems.  So for those of you that are searching for your soul mate or twin flame, you would be better off searching for someone with long-term compatibility!

CVAPI has wrapped up another paranormal investigation this month, and will be onto the next one in March.  Upcoming with Central Virginia Psychic Development & ParanormalResearch in the month of March, will be another tour of Hollywood Cemetery.  So if you are local, I hope you will join us!

We are still getting a phenomenal amount of requests for negative haunts.  This is NOT our specialty, although television has put us out there as just that.

I did hold the Tarot Card Workshop last Saturday.  At one time I thought I was going to have to reschedule due to the snow lingering around, but was able to move forward with it.  I do get a lot of requests for this and hope to be able to host another one in the summer.

As we all look forward to spring, I am seeing an increased number in the people that are interested in Reiki.  I love, love, love seeing this!  It amazes me how something so simple can be so effective.  I also get a lot of reports of people being interested, but “Overwhelmed” at the same time.  I put the “Simplicity of Reiki” out there for that reason.  It will give you a good summary of what it is, and how it works.  I still offer theReiki Course, but am considering retiring that edition in the next year.

As most of you know, I have spent the winter months working on a writing project of my first novel.  If all goes well, it is a “possibility” that it will be ready for pre-order in the month of April.  I will keep you posted.

I have to say that I am extremely proud of my daughter for starting her own business this month with Origami Owl!  This is something she has been interested in for the last couple of years.  For those of you who have never heard of it, please check out her website. They offer lockets with charms to fill them, as well as charm bracelets and earrings and just a bunch of cool stuff.  (YES I have made my “Wish list”!)  It is funny how things change over the years….you can now “Host” a party online on Facebook and still receive your hostess awards.  I am wishing her all the best on this new adventure!

If you are looking for a psychic reading, the best time to reach me remains between 1pm to 1am.  I do what I can to accommodate the different time zones.  If you are seeking an appointment, you can email me directly at

MARCH 21st…..the first day of spring!  It is getting closer by the day!  Then we have the pollen to look forward to!

If your on social networks join me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

Until next time…

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 2014 "Rants & Raves"

As I write this it is hard to believe that we are coming up on the end of the first quarter for 2014.  Time is flying by!  It has been wonderful to welcome spring though the weather here in Virginia does not seem to want to cooperate.  I am beginning to think that Mother Nature is bipolar. 

I am actually anxious about beginning to work in the yard.  Once again, I am revamping the entire back yard.  (A never-ending project around here.)  I am also ready to get my herb and lavender garden underway.  I have a friend with a greenhouse who starts my seeds for me.  (Cheating)

March has been a busy month of working my website, a couple of events as well as accounting.  Accounting, yes I hate it!  However I am more than pleased with the progress that has been made considering tax day is right around the corner. 

I have to admit that my YouTube channel has been neglected this month.  Time will permit for that soon.  The same as a meeting for CentralVirginia Psychic Development & Paranormal Research, I ran out of month!  (A paranormal meeting is in the works for the month of April.)

My spring newsletter went out this week.  As a matter of fact, all week it seems.  I generally send out four a year, one each quarter.  I have to admit as the subscriber’s list grows I am torn about continuing to send this out verses publishing it here or on my website.  I have many that look forward to it and many that will inquire or state that they did not receive it.  This is a continuing battle with the spam filters, so I am now looking at this option instead.

Though I have offered Psychic Development to groups, I have recently started this as a phone session and seeing a lot of success.  I do want to remind you that this is done by appointment only.  They generally take an hour and a half, but I ask that you set aside two hours.  The first part is your assessment, while the second part is on development.

Events for the month of April are filling up quickly.  I will  continue to be at the Aqua Lounge in Shockoe Bottom in downtown Richmond the first and third Tuesday of the month.  I am also looking forward to working the Spring Fling Sunday April 6th in Chester.  There I will have the Reiki Course as well as offer psychic readings.  Other vendors there will include Thirty-one, Jamberry Nails, Orgami Owl, Avon, Tupperware, Scentsy, It Works, and Tastefully Simple.  This should be a LOT of fun.

(Check my Events calendar through the month as things are added or dates are changed.)

Thank you to those that follow me on Twitter.  I am still a little new to “Tweeting” but have enjoyed it.  I will continue to put specials on there for select weekends.  Of course, you can always find me on Facebook.

Now to answer some questions:

Do you use an agency?
No I don’t and never have. So please don’t have them contact me.  I prefer working with people one on one for events or appearances.  An agency will tend to keep me on the road more than what I would like or keep up with.

Do you ever do readings for other psychics?
Yes.  Psychics have a hard time reading for themselves.  That applies to me as well.  We only get very little information verses the whole picture.  It is very common for us to trade readings from time to time.

Do you have any new projects in the works?
Yes.  This has to do with the psychic realm of things and will be ongoing for the next few months.  There will be more to come on this at a later date.

Have you ever met someone that you did not want to read for?
Not really.  I have met negative people as we all do from time to time.  Some drain me more than others and I think that is common.

Do you plan to keep your free email follow up?
I am trying.  As long as I can keep up, yes, it will stay in place.

I have several email addresses for you.  What is the best to reach you on?  this is my primary address and checked most often.

What exactly is Reiki?
I am getting this a LOT.  It is also known as the “Healing Touch” or “Energy Healing”.  Hang in there with me as I plan to write a blog on nothing but the topic of Reiki.

What is your personal opinion on horoscopes?
Coming from someone that writes them once a month, I find that they are fun.  They are a generalized measurement of time for each zodiac sign.  Even if published daily I don’t find that they carry a lot of weight.  Just fun.  It is funny though, those that don’t believe in psychic abilities or the paranormal, I find are usually the ones that read their horoscopes every morning.

How is Jaselyn?
Wonderful, a delight, a shear joy, and a breath of fresh air!  She has a really great personality and learns something new almost daily.  Her and her mom, make everything I do ….WORTH IT!

Until next time...